Support Services

Many homes were damaged and even destroyed during the storm. People were displaced, and are still suffering from lockdown trauma. The delays to rebuilding, fixing, and removing dangerous trees have all taken their toll.

We want to make sure that if there is a service that can help, you have access to it. So we've created a page for these support services so you can easily navigate to them without having to search online for hours.

If there's a service you know of that we don't cover, feel free to email us the details and we'll add them in.

Habitat for Humanity

For help with removal of trees, clean up of debris, and rebuilding of infrastructure, Habitat for Humanity can send in crews to clean up.

There is a short process of means testing then they'll organise the rest.

If you'd like to donate your logs to rescue Logs through this process let them know and they'll work with us to ensure the logs get to our facility so they can be used in projects around the hills.

Dandenong Ranges Emergency Relief Services provides help for so many things.

1616-1624 Burwood Highway Belgrave, Vic  3160


Get in contact with them for:


  *food vouchers

  *clothing vouchers

  *payment of prescription medicine/medical bills

  *essential travel assistance

  *crisis counselling

  * referrals

  * advocacy & information

  *payment of essential bills (or contribute to larger bills) 


Windermere can help with counselling, advocacy, and general help. They have a specific program for storm recovery and are local so understand what we went through in the storms. 

Phone 0408 521 320 between 8am – 6pm weekdays or leave a message and staff will return your call the following business day. 

Or you can email